Online Application

Enrolment in Academic Year 2025/26

In the academic year of 2025/26, our school is admitting students for
Kindergarten (K1 to K3), Primary (P1 to P6) and Secondary (S1 to S3)

First Time Kindergarten Enrolment

If your child is enrolling in the Kindergarten for the first time, you need to enrol your child through the Central Registration which is managed by DSEDJ.

Central Registration Application Process

WhenWhat happens?
6th – 16th JanuaryRegistration through Macao One Account, on the DSEDJ website or at the DSEDJ counters.
19th – 21st FebruaryThe interview date and time as well as the application fee (MOP 1,500) payment method details will be announced via our school website. Parents are welcome to contact us for confirmation.
1st & 8th MarchInterviews will be conducted according to the assigned interview time at our school. The interview duration is approximately 30 minutes, and the child has to be accompanied by a parent. Parent should check-in at the school by presenting the interview QR code and the child’s identity document.
7th AprilResults will be announced through our school and DSEDJ website.
Upon Successful Admission
7th – 9th AprilParents to confirm their choice of school through DSEDJ website or Macao One Account.
11th – 14th AprilParents are requested to complete the enrolment process, by presenting the identity documents or first-time enrolment QR code, with a payment of a non-refundable enrolment fee of MOP 8,000 (which will be deducted from the school fee of respective academic year).
In The Event of Waitlisting
From 10th AprilParents will be notified by the school via phone call of whether the student has been successfully placed.


Please adhere to the following instructions to enrol the students in our school. If it is the first time enrolling in Kindergarten, please refer to the Central Registration Application Process.

Application Process

Beginning 1st MarchApplication should be filled out on our school website and be submitted with the following documents:
  • Macau Resident – Photocopy of the applicant’s Macau ID
  • Non Macau Resident – Photocopies of the applicant’s Passport and proof of staying permit of more than 90 days issued by authorities in Macau
  • Photocopies of the applicant’s school reports or transcripts for the current year
  • A non-refundable application fee of MOP 1,500 (details on payment will be provided after application is accepted)
For application received on or before 9th March
  • Interviews and assessments will be arranged on 15th – 22nd March at our school
  • Results will be announced on 28th March on our website
  • 11th -14th April: Parents should come to the School to complete the enrolment process, a non-refundable enrolment fee of MOP 8,000 (which will be deducted from the school fee of the next academic year) is required
For application received after 9th MarchWe will contact you for interview details.
Download Application Guidelines



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