Taipei Fashion Week AW25 will take place from March 27th to March 30th.This season’s visual theme
centers around the concept of "From Life, For Life", which is deeply rooted in sustainability and
aims to convey the idea of Endless Fashion through collaboration with Taiwan’s leading textile
industry and designers to advocate for sustainable fashion with full circularity. This initiative
makes it clear that environmental consciousness is more than just a slogan; it is an ongoing
movement - Fashion has the unique ability to capture the essence of the present while shaping the
future. As climate change and environmental crises become everyday concerns, Taiwan’s fashion
industry is responding with concrete action, striving to set a new standard for
Fashion’s true power lies in its ability to tell captivating stories. A beautifully crafted garment
can transport you into the life you’ve always dreamed of. Can fashion that is both sustainable and
stylish contribute to protecting the planet and guide us toward a more beautiful, utopian future?
In the key visual, young men and women dressed in sustainability-driven garments are surrounded by
various 'circular' symbolic objects that represent different steps in the fashion production
process. These objects—pattern-making templates, cutting boards, sketches, fabric swatches, thimble
rings, stitches, and pin cushions—each symbolize an important detail of the process, all sharing the
subtle mission of sustainable circulation.
From a bird’s-eye view, the pattern-making table represents Earth, reminding us that no matter where
we come from—regardless of continent, race, or fashion background—we all share the duty of
preserving the Earth’s environmental cycle.
From textiles and designers to models bringing these visions to life, the entire visual narrative of
"Endless Fashion" represents a cyclical journey—from zero, back to zero—a cycle of fashion
sustainability that returns to zero waste.