- Conan exiles armor stat bonuses update#
The plan is to include Thoth-Amon's Stronghold, The Jade Citadel, and potentially The Temple of Erlik into this system. The LFR system will send the created raid groups to new, more casual friendly versions of our new Palace of Cetriss raid as well as older raids.

Players will be able to sign up on a weekly basis either solo or in partial groups, and the system will match them up with other players to create a raid. The LFR system will be first in receiving new functionality. We've mentioned revamping the LFG / LFR system before, and I did get a few details from our developers on the overall plan. Be sure to hit up the testlive server to check out what Ethram-Fal's got in store for those brave enough to challenge him! LFG / LFR His physical form and powers have been fused together with the re-awakened Emerald Lotus. However, he's undergone some pretty serious changes from when he was last seen. The final encounter in the Palace of Cetriss is set to be on the testlive server really soon! This encounter will involve the resurrection of lore-centric character, Ethram-Fal. This will be most suitable for use in future progression raids without having a huge impact on other PvE gameplay or PvP Content. This new T6 set bonus will provide new stats on PvE gear, specifically Armor and Spell Penetration, Tenacity, and potentially Critigation chance. With this adjustment to T5 set bonuses in place, T6 loot will be desirable for all players and will allow the single generic set bonus that comes with the new gear to be relevant and useful. The vendor will require that all four T5 boss-kill achievements be completed, and the runes may then be purchased with T5 tokens. The effects of each set bonus will be made available as a Major Rune, and only one of these set bonuses can be active at any given time. We don't want to remove the T5 bonuses, but we have made the decision to move them to the recently introduced Runes items. This has caused a few issues moving forward with developing generic set bonuses for T6 gear that are competitive in comparison, even with the increase in base stats coming in T6. What we've found is that while set bonuses from T5 were successful in compensating for deficiencies in gear for certain classes and allowed DPS classes to shine, they perhaps have been a bit too successful in doing so. As I mentioned in our last update, there were a number of options available that the developers were considering. One major challenge with creating this new gear has been designing set bonuses that are both desirable and balanced. If you've hopped onto the official test server, you might have noticed that gear from the Palace of Cetriss has started appearing, and if you've not already joined the test server please do! The feedback we receive from testers is always valuable! Tier 6 Welcome back to another monthly development update! I'm Senior Community Manager sezmra here to give you the latest details on development for Age of Conan, so let's see what the devs have going on! We've got a lot to talk about.
Conan exiles armor stat bonuses update#
Monthly Development Update - September 2015