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林龙成 Lim Leong Seng


Lim Leong Seng


Lim Leong Seng

Lim Leong Seng grew up in the 1950s in a village at Island Club Road in Singapore. At the age of 18, under the guidance of Buddhist Master Venerable ‘Zhumo’, Leong Seng took up Buddhist studies and Chinese painting. He graduated from the Baharuddin Vocation Institute in 1971. A full-time sculptor based in Singapore since 1990, Leong Seng is equally known for his diverse range of painting styles.

A full-time sculptor based in Singapore since 1990, Leong Seng is equally known for his diverse range of painting styles.

Inspired by Singapore’s multi-racial culture, Leong Seng’s Peranakan theme work is an apt beginning for his foray into the “Singapore Multicultural” series. Titled “Grow Old Along with Me”, the depiction of a loving Peranakan couple of the 1900s illustrates the life-long companionship between man and wife throughout years of change.

A full-time sculptor based in Singapore since 1990, Leong Seng is equally known for his diverse range of painting styles.



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About us

Asia Art Collective is an art advisory and consultancy specialised in Singaporean and Asian modern and contemporary art. Professional art services include providing clients with art advice on artwork purchase and sale, artwork valuation and assessment, art acquisition and collection planning, art sale and brokerage, as well as art commissioning and artwork sourcing. Asia Art Collective seeks to promote a culture of art appreciation and art acquisition and collection for Singapore art, and modern and contemporary Asian art through its diverse and rotating art exhibitions and art appreciation programmes, courses and talks. Enquire with Asia Art Collective for advice and support on your art-collecting journey.

亚洲艺汇有限公司(Asia Art Collective Pte Ltd )是新加坡专业的艺术品咨询顾问公司,公司的服务是为艺术收藏提供指导,制定策划购买艺术品方向,帮助藏家评估、分析艺术品市场价位、未来的市场走势。在选择艺术品方面,即要帮助藏家找到自己酷爱心怡的作品,同时也把艺术品列为藏家资产扩充的规划中,并且负责跟踪艺术品的买与卖。同时也提供新加坡艺术品量身定制服务

Iola Liu



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